
Thursday 13 March 2014

10 Little Questions Tag

This tag was originally made by Jim Chapman for his YouTube Channel and we just thought that this would be a short but sweet tag called 'The 10 Little Questions Tag'.

What You Tuber do you secretly have a crush on?
Han: I have a little bit of a girl crush on Tanya Burr :/ she just seems so nice and is REALLY beautiful x
Em: Well... oli white cuz he's so funny, or troye sivan x

If you had a 'Tardis' like Dr Who where would you go and how would you use it?
Han: I would probably go to the victorian times and see what it would be like to be REALLY poor and then SUPER rich to see the difference x is that weird :P
Em: haha I have no idea tbh I wouldn't want one because I don't want to see the future because it could be really upsetting and weird (if you get what I mean) and I wouldn't to go back to the past either ....

Share a secret that no-one else knows.
Han: um . . . I dunno x there's nothing I really wanna share x OHHHH YEAH! I know x well basically I went for Prefect at school this week :) does that count cuz u know it??
Em: I'm obsessed with listening to music:) not really a secret, but a massive thing about me :)

What did you dream last night?
Han: I don't really know what I dreamed about, but I just know it was scary cuz I woke up SUPER scared :S weird :) lol
Em: I usually have really weird dreams but last night I was sooo tired I just slept...

If you could be a character from any film who would you be and why?
Han: I would probably be Catniss Everdeen (from The Hunger Game) because she is brave and beautiful and nice and isn't afraid of sticking up for what she thinks is right (BASICALLY AMAZING!!!!!!!) x
Em: maybe Tris from divergent because she's just amazing? Or Georgia from 'Angus Thongs and perfect snogging' cuz robbie is just... and she's just a genuine person and she's got a lot going for her x and her family seems so funny hahah

What are you excited for in the future?
Han: I am really excited for when we have started our YouTube Channel cuz I think that's gonna be AMAZING!!! x
Em: Same :)

If you ruled the world what would be the first thing you would do?
Han: Um . . . probably go and force Niall Horan to kiss me :) very selfish I know x I had the option to bring world peace and I chose One Direction x WOOPS :/ x
Em: I really don't know... I wouldn't want that responsibility..

Sing the last song that was stuck in your head.
Han: *singing* Duuumb waaays to die, so many dumb ways to die. Duuuumb ways to dyeyeye so maany dumb ways to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x *talking* sorry about the voice :/ can't sing to save my life
Em: Selfies by Nina Nesbitt... its a good song but it's so annoying when it gets stuck in your head! There's also this girl in school that's always posing and taking Selfies it's sooo funny...

Beat box.
Han: Well that is kinda impossible for us to do as well through a blog :/ LOL
Em: I agree :)) this tag was made for YouTube.

What is something that you want to achieve in the future?
Han: In the future I want to be more hard working and achieve more academically (geek alert :S) and also stuffs going on in our lives at the moment that is quite hard so we will both try very hard to overcome these things (very vague but can't elaborate soz) x
Em: same I want to achieve more academically,  musically and in art  :) and yeah agree x

Luv u gaaaz (that is the new spelling of guys if your interested)
Hanily x

P.S. If you were wondering where we've been for the past two days we have been at the theatre twp days in a row cuz we have to see a lot of theatre for our Drama GCSE! We are REALLY sorry we haven't posted but ya know it's not possible all the time xx Is anyone else ready for this week to end?! We are sooo tired! Xx

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