
Tuesday 21 January 2014

Emily's amazing hot chocolate recipe!

Hey guys!
I seriously love winter nights, cosying up by the fire in warm fluffy pajamas - and for me they wouldn't be complete without a hot chocolate!
I make mine with Nutella, which is seriously amazing! Firstly you measure the amount of milk you want in your favourite mug, and pour it into a pan. Next you gently warm the milk with wooden spoon on a lowish heat. Once the milk is warmed up, I add the nutella. I suggest about three teaspoons per drink, but you can add more or less depending on taste (I like mine chocolatey). I then pour the hot chocolate back into the mug, and top with whipped  cream and marshmallows! It's like comfort in a mug!

I'm off to make myself a hot chocolate! See you later!
Love you LOADS Emily <3

Hanily x

P.S. Comment below!! We would love to know what your favourite Winter Drink is? xx

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I got your comment on my blog post! Would love to involve you guys :) I will email you questions and stuff within the next week. You can send me your email address on twitter - I'm @DreamingAgain_ or you can email me at
